Sunday 26 July 2015

what i watched on holiday

Voilà, les vacances c'est fini. 
J'ai passé 3 jours en Espagne à profiter du soleil et retour en Angleterre avec une pluie qui ne te laisse rien faire à part regarder des films toute la journée. 
Ily a des jours ou je me demande pourquoi j'ai voulu m'installer. C'est définitivement pas pour la météo ^^ 

There it is. The holiday are over.
I spent 3 days in Spain enjoying the sun and went back to an England that only leave you enjoying watching films because of the rain. 
Sometimes i wonder why i moved here. It's definitely not because of the weather ^^ 

Catching fire:

After arriving safely home from their unprecedented victory in the 74th Annual Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark discover that they must do a quick turnaround and begin a Victors Tour. As she and Peeta travel throughout the districts, Katniss senses a rebellion is stirring. However, President Snow proves that he is still very much in control when word comes of a cruel change in the rules for the upcoming 75th Hunger Games. 

Pitch Perfect:

 College student Beca knows she does not want to be part of a clique, but that's exactly where she finds herself after arriving at her new school. Thrust in among mean gals, nice gals and just plain weird gals, Beca finds that the only thing they have in common is how well they sing together. She takes the women of the group out of their comfort zone of traditional arrangements and into a world of amazing harmonic combinations in a fight to the top of college music competitions.

 Dallas buyers club:

In mid-1980s Texas, electrician Ron Woodroof  is stunned to learn that he has AIDS. Though told that he has just 30 days left to live, Woodroof refuses to give in to despair. He seeks out alternative therapies and smuggles unapproved drugs into the U.S. from wherever he can find them. Woodroof joins forces with a fellow AIDS patient  and begins selling the treatments to the growing number of people who can't wait for the medical establishment to save them.

Gone girl: 

In Carthage, Mo., former New York-based writer Nick Dunne  and his glamorous wife Amy present a portrait of a blissful marriage to the public. However, when Amy goes missing on the couple's fifth wedding anniversary, Nick becomes the prime suspect in her disappearance. The resulting police pressure and media frenzy cause the Dunnes' image of a happy union to crumble, leading to tantalizing questions about who Nick and Amy truly are.

Orange is the new black
Series 1 

 Piper Chapman is a public relations executive with a career and a fiance when her past suddenly catches up to her. In her mid-30s she is sentenced to spend time in a minimum-security women's prison in Connecticut for her association with a drug runner 10 years earlier. This Netflix original series is based on the book of the same title. Forced to trade power suits for prison orange, Chapman makes her way through the corrections system and adjusts to life behind bars, making friends with the many eccentric, unusual and unexpected people she meets.

Thursday 23 July 2015

Street art in Barcelona

Si, comme moi, vous aimez le street art vous allez aimer Barcelone. 
Cette ville en es pleine. A un moment j'ai même eu peur que mes photos de vacances ne soit que de ça ^^ 
Il y a même un tour gratuit de la ville appelé "walking tour alternative" qui nous montre le street art et son histoire. 
J'ai vu le flyer trop tard mais si jamais vous êtes sur place c'est tous les jours à 15h. Le point de rendez vous es au "travel bar"

If, like me, you like street art you are going to like Barcelona.
This city if full of them. At one point i thought all my pictures will be only them ^^ 
There is also a free walking tour named "walking tour alternative" who shows the street art and it's story.
I saw the flyer to late but if you are interested it's everyday at 3pm. The meeting point is at "travel bar"

 awesome souvenirs ^^

 saw that one at the airport and made me laugh ^^ 

Barcelona day 3

Malheureusement notre séjour es arrivé à sa fin lundi. 
Nous avons rendu la chambre le matin et, vu que nous avions nos valises, nous sommes juste retourné faire un tour au marché (nous sommes tombé amoureux de cet endroit) avant d'aller à l'aéroport. 
Un weekend court certes mais un weekend génial! je vais définitivement retourner à Barcelone. 

Sadly our weekend ended on Monday. 
We checked out in the morning and because we had our suitcases with us we just went back to the market (we fell in love with that place) before going to the airport. 
A short weekend for sure but an awesome weekend! i am definitively going back to Barcelona.


Wednesday 22 July 2015

Barcelona day 2

Dimanche matin nous avons décidé d'afronter la chaleur et marcher jusqu'au stade de foot. 45 minutes de marche mais Je doit avouer que ça a value le coup car, même si Je n'aime pas Le foot, j'ai trouver ce stade vraiment impressionnant. 
Apres avoir passer un moment a new camp nous sommes repartit direction Sagrada Familia la fameuse eglise de Gaudi qui n'est toujours pas terminé. Sur le chemin nous nous sommes aussi arreter devant ses magnifiques maison. Gaudi etait vraiment un architecte de talent et vraiment en avance sur son temps. J'etait tellement heureuse de voir cela en Vrai! 
Fatigués a cause de la marche et de la chaleur nous nous sommes diriger vers la plage afin de nous relaxer pour quelques heures avant d'aller a notre cours de cuisine. 
Nous avons appris a preparer des Tapas, une Paella et sangria. 
Sangria illimité m'a un peu fait oublier toutes les recettes (heureusement que le chef nous a donné ses recettes) mais Je me souviens que nous avons passer une vraiment bonne soiree et que la Paella etait delicieuse.

Sunday morning we decided to fight the heat and walk to the football stadium. 45 minutes walk but I have to admit it was worth it because this stadium is impressive.
We spent a bit there and then headed back direction Sagrada Familia. The famous unfinished church by the architect Gaudi. On the way we also saw his 2 houses. Gaudi really was an amazing architect and ahead of his time. I was so happy to see all this for real! 
Tired because of the walk and the heat we headed to the beach to relax for a couple hours before going to our cooking class. 
We learned how to prepare tapas, Paella and Sangria.
The unlimited sangria made me forget about the recipes (fortunately the chef gave us his at the end of the class) but I do remember that we had a really good time and the food was amazing.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

Barcelona day 1

Vendredi soir nous avons sauter dans le bus afin de nous envoler pour un weekend à Barcelone. 
Arrivé Samedi matin nous sommes aller poser nos affaires à l'auberge de jeunesse et sommes ensuite aller nous promener dans un petit marché avant d'aller a point de rencontre pour un tour de Barcelone. 
Nous avons passé 2h a tourné autour du quartier Gothique ou nous avons appris plus sur l'architecte Gaudi, sur les bizarre traditions Catalan et nous sommes arrêté devant un endroit ou une scène du film "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" à été tourné. 
(J'adore ce film! si vous ne l'avez pas encore vu je vous le conseil fortement) et nous avons aussi eu la chance d'assister à la "construction" d'une "petite" tour humaine.
Après le tour nous sommes retourné à l'auberge afin de nous doucher et nous changer car nous avions réserver une soirée Flamenco et Tapas. 
J'adore la danse donc c'était une obligation pour moi d'assister à un show qui, malheureusement pour moi, c'est terminé trop tôt. 
Nous sommes ensuite aller terminer notre soirée à déguster des Tapas avec Sangria :) 

Friday evening we jumped on the bus to go to Barcelona.
When we arrived on Saturday morning we went to the hostel to put our bags and then went for a wander around the market before going to our meeting point for a tour of Barcelona.
We spent 2hrs walking around the Gothic quarter where we learned more about the architect Gaudi, the weird Catalan traditions and stopped by one of the place where a scene of the film "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" has been filmed.
(I love this film! if you haven't seen it yet you really should) and we also had the chance to assist at the "construction" of a "small" human tower.
After the tour we went back to the hostel to shower and get changed as we booked a Flamenco and Tapas evening. 
I love danse so it was a must thing to do to assist to a show. 
Unfortunately for me it didn't last long enough.  
We then finished our evening with Tapas and Sangria :)