Wednesday 18 September 2013

Spirit of the dance

Aller a un spectacle de danse Irlandaise a toujours ete un reve. 
Apres avoir vu une pub a la tele et avoir couru au theatre pour acheter nos billets le reve es enfin devenue realiter.

Going to an Irish dance show always been a dream.
After seeing an advert on tv and running to the theatre to buy our tickets the dream finally came true. 

Un spectacle tellement beau avec des danses superbes! 
Malheureusement c'est quand on s'amuse ou que l'ont passe du bon moments que le temps passe trop vite.
J'aurais aimer en voir plus. Rester la bas toute la nuit mais je crois que ca aurais ete trop demander ^^ 

An amazing show with beautiful dances!
Unfortunately it is when you are having fun or when you are having a good time that time goes fast.
I would love seeing more. Staying there all night but i think it would of been asking to much ^^ 

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